Separation & Divorce
Support Services
The Divorce Centre helps families impacted by separation and divorce to have the courage and the confidence to get through the challenges ahead.
Be empowered throough Divorce Coaching, Mediation or Parenting Coordination to help your family transition and adjust to the new family structure.

Divorce & Conflict Coaching
Empowered through separation challenges
Separation is hard enough without the confusion, uncertainty and fear of what to do or who to turn to.
A Divorce & Conflict Coach helps you as an individual or as a couple through the challenges of separation and divorce helping reduce the overwhelm by prioritising challenges, providing emotional support and guiding you through the separation roadmap to keep you empowered amidst the chaos. Gain clarity and stay future focused so you have the courage and confidence to get through this stressful time in your life.
Gaining emotional support helps you separate how you feel about the breakup putting you in the right mindset to negotiate parenting and property arrangements.
Don't waste time and money pouring out your grief in a lawyer's office!
A Divorce Coach can refer you to the right professional at the right time to help you de-escalate, empower, prepare and plan your separation journey. Save money and accelerate your recovery.

Family Dispute Resolution Mediation
Be empowered to decide the outcome
Sometimes grief, hurt and anger can hijack our emotions making it difficult to negotiate a win/win solution.
Mediation provides an impartial facilitator in a confidential setting to enable you both to have your voice heard and your issues understood, so that you can explore options to reach an agreement.
Don't waste tens of thousands of dollars battling it out in court... stay empowered through mediation to negotiate your agreements!

Parenting Coordination
Don't have a contravention, have a Parenting Coordination Intervention!
It may have been stressful reaching agreement on consent or parenting orders. That stress doesn’t just go away as there is a lot of adjustment to actually putting the consent or parenting orders into action to make them work!
You may know WHAT has been agreed and documented for coparenting arrangements but are you struggling with HOW to implement your consent or parenting orders?
Is the communication fraught with conflict as one feels bombarded with messages whilst the other feels like they are being ignored?
Do you struggle to gain access to the children’s medical or school reports?
When there are special events or holidays coming up do you find you both end up arguing as you don’t want to help your coparent out because they denied you taking the kids to a special event previously, so why should you?
Why not engage a Parenting Coordinator who helps you resolve disputes, improve communication and reduce conflict.

Self-Paced Online Separation Courses
Completion Certificates Accepted by the Federal Circuit Family Law Court.
The emotional grief and loss during separation can be overwhelming so our courses are designed to help you and your family be empowered with courage and confidence to get through the challenges to rebuild your life.
Parenting after Separation, Parenting Toddlers & Pre-Schoolers, Anger Management, Empowering Teens and Accelerated Recovery Courses