Coaching Sessions x 3
Buy 3 x coaching sessions to gain ongoing suppport and save $98
The Divorce Centre provides holistic support to help you navigate your separation or divorce journey. We can help you at any stage to empower you to keep moving forward to rebuild your life. Whether you are wondering whether you should stay or go, have recently separated from your partner, or are in the process of navigating the divorce process, or still struggling to emotionally recover from the trauma of separation. We are here to help you.
Divorce Coaching helps you –
- Feel empowered to understand the Divorce roadmap so you can be prepared and plan your separation journey reducing overwhelm and uncertainty
- Gain emotional support to help you work through challenges, explore options and create win/win solutions
- Engage divorce resources as and when required to minimize cost and accelerate healing
- Understand and manage the emotional turmoil gripping the family so you have self-awareness and compassion to help the family transition and adjust to a new family structure
- Separate how you feel about the breakup from your co-parenting responsibilities to be a great role model to show your children how to problem solve and manage crisis constructively
- Manage the impacts of change and focus on where you have influence over the outcome of the changes
- Put your kids needs first to minimise the impact of separation and divorce on them
- Communicate effectively and calmly to reduce anxiety, stress and conflict
- Be future focused to rebuild your life
Whatever your challenge, we can help you transform yourself, and transform your life!
Once sessions are purchased we will contact you to schedule your first session to help you move forward to your next chapter in life!